Saturday, November 25

getting it in holiday gear, and other random stuff

So I finished reading yet another book - Angels & Demons by Dan Brown. Wow! Let me just tell you this one took me awhile to get into. But it came highly recommended, so I kept reading. And once I got about 80 pages into it I just couldn't put it down. I read (shamelessly!) ALL day yesterday. Picked up the book at noon and read until my eyes were blurry at 11pm. (Well, I did stop for a little bit here and there to run to Rite Aid, putz on the computer a bit, and then make a beer and pizza run. But other than that, I just read.) If you haven't read it yet, put it on your list. It's awesome! The DaVinci Code is definitely on my must read list now. And I will read it before I see the movie. In fact, not sure I will see the movie since I've mostly been disappointed with movie adaptations of really good books. We'll see.

Speaking of movies, I rented The Break-Up last night. Anyone seen it? Haven't watched it yet (reading), so I'll probably put it on tonight since it's due back tomorrow. Besides, it's a good night to curl up under a warm blanket with popcorn and a movie. It's DAMN cold! They say snow's on the way. Sure feels like it. But again, we'll see.

And speaking of snow, I decided today was the day to get off my ass and out of the house (literally) to get the outdoor lights put up. It was now or never I figured, and they're done. Some of you know I HATE ladders. It's not the height. It isn't even the going up. It's the coming back down. And, needless to say, I don't do roofs. So I compromised - braving the ladder - and put the lights up around the garage door, on the eaves around the front of the house, and on the bushes flanking the bay window of the living room. (Would post of picture but it's not dark enough to turn them on and take one yet.) Wesley will be very surprised when he gets home since I don't normally put too many lights outside (did I mention my fear of ladders?). Oh, and we can't forget the deer. Two of them outside the bay window. Anyway, a lot of the neighborhood was doing the same thing, so now it's really beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

Now we just need the snow!

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